
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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We Need to Bring Back the Rubber Suits for the Next Live-Action TMNT Flick

CGI just doesn't cut it. Those hulk-like Michael Bay adaptations are an abomination.

Remembering the Classics: Biker Mice From Mars

Relive the no-holds-barred adrenaline-fueled Martian mouse biker action from the 90s. Yeah, that was very much a thing back then.

Remembering the Classics: Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa

Gun-slinging cows enforcing the law while dealing out the swift hands of justice to bad guys? What is not to love?!


‘Batman v Superman’ to earn less for Warner Bros than ‘Man of Steel’

Even with an additional veteran actor Batman v Superman fails to put up Avengers: Age of Ultron numbers. Last week Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice stayed number one...

MIB / 21 Jump Street Crossover officially titled ‘MIB 23’

I'd bet $10 that Channing Tatum gets the Cricket. Men in Black and 21 Jump Street fans rejoice! The third installment in the 21 Jump Street franchise has...

‘Edge of Tomorrow’ is getting a Sequel

Anna Waterhouse and Joe Shrapnel have signed on to write the script for an Edge of Tomorrow sequel. At this point we should all just expect...

Daredevil Actor – Marvel’s ‘Defenders’ to Film Soon, Daredevil Season 3 Unknown

The Defenders is to begin filming sometime later this year. With the Netflix original series Marvel's Daredevil being a smashing success with two seasons under its belt it...

Here’s what you can expect from ‘Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness’

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness returns to its roots while promising something new for fans. When Shuichi Kobayashi approached Square Enix about making a sequel...

Spider-Man will be joined by other MCU characters in Standalone Marvel Film

There is a real possibility of seeing Iron Man in next year's untitled Spider-Man film. When the trailer for Captain America: Civil War dropped showcasing everyone's favorite web-slinger...

Colin Firth to Return in Kingsman Sequel, ‘The Golden Circle’?

Sir Galahad, aka Harry Hart, seems to have escaped death in this new eye-opening Kingsman: The Golden Circle poster. The untimely death of Colin Firth's character Sir...

New ‘Attack on Titan’ game coming to North America this August

Gear up to take down titans as your favorite scout regiment characters! Fans of the immensely popular anime and manga Attack on Titan won't have to wait...

‘The Boys’ Comic Book is getting a Series on Cinemax with Seth Rogen

The Boys are back in town. With the success of AMC's The Walking Dead proving that it isn't just Marvel and DC comics that can become a...

Get your First Look at Tom Cruise on the Set of the ‘Mummy’ Reboot

"Can't think of any good movie ideas? Let's just reboot every film ever made." - Universal Pictures The Mummy returns and no, we aren't talking...

Paul Greengrass Explains just where Jason Bourne has been the past 19 years

Don't expect to see a fat, tan Jason Bourne in the next Bourne film. Matt Damon is bringing the guns to the gun show. The...

‘DOOM’ gets a Live-Action Trailer from Tron: Legacy Director

The latest trailer for DOOM shows off guts, guns and gore. Last year Bethesda announced that they wouldn't be continuing the DOOM storyline and would be remaking...

‘LEGO Jurassic World’ is here for Android and iOS

You can now hold the fate of Jurassic World in the palm of your hands. Looking for something to do and kill some time while...

Kevin Smith & Ralph Garman call Batman v Superman “Joyless, Hard to Watch”

"Batman v Superman finally answers the question what would happen if Batman and Superman were both f*cking assholes". When it comes to reviewing superhero films...

‘Shadows of Mordor 2’ may be Coming Soon

Is a sequel to Shadow of Mordor in the works at Monolith Productions? When Shadow of Mordor was released by Monolith Productions back in 2013 it was the...

‘Left 4 Dead’ is Coming to Xbox One, via Backwards Compatibiltiy

The list of backwards compatible games for the Xbox One continues to grow. Missing the ability to spray and pray your way to safety through...

‘Fullmetal Alchemist’ to be a Live-Action Movie

The Elric brothers are going to transmute from the world of animation to the big screen! The incredibly popular anime Fullmetal Alchemist, based off of Hiromu Arakawa’s...

Recent ‘Nintendo NX’ Controller Leak was a Hoax

Sorry Nintendo fans, the Nintendo NX remains shrouded in mystery. While the majority of the internet has been freaking out about Sony's announcement to release...

Here is Your First Look at ‘Voltron’ in the Netflix Animated Reboot Series

The rebooted Voltron series promises new characters and a strong plot while still sticking to its roots. Voltron is back and better than ever with a rebooted...

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Teasing ‘Terminator 6’

Despite Terminator Genisys making a measly $89 million at the box office, Arnold says he is 'looking forward to' Terminator 6. Let's be completely honest with...