Well..he'd probably be dead by Episode VII... Whatever.
Mace Windu. It's hard to forget that purple lightsaber-wielding-Jango Fett-decapitating Jedi from the Star Wars prequels; especially...
It's coming...just not anytime soon.
Even after the reveal of the remastered Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim-Special Edition, fans are still clamoring for the sixth entry...
Fingers crossed for The World Ends with You though.
In an interview with GameSpot, Kingdom Hearts 3 co-director Tai Yasue revealed that Sora and company...
Mighty No. 9, the kickstarted spiritual successor to Mega Man, is FINALLY available. This fast-paced precision platformer starring the titular android, Beck, has received...
(So it's coming to PS4 eventually.)
The fourth entry of the open-world zombie series Dead Rising was revealed last week during the Microsoft E3 press...
With great power comes great responsibility. And really cool graphics.
During the 2016 E3 Sony press conference, it was revealed that Insomniac Games, the team...
Welcome home, our wacky orange friend.
After endless teasing for nearly a year, Crash Bandicoot is finally returning to PlayStation.
During the 2016 E3 Sony Press Conference,...
And he's got a beard!
During Sony's PlayStation E3 press conference, the fourth entry of the God War series was revealed.
Check out the trailer below.
Entertainment Weekly has revealed that Lord Commander of the Night's Watch/northern bastard/potential Azhor Ahai Jon Snow, aka Kit Harington, will have a role in...
When it comes to movie sequels, nothing is sacred. Literally.
Apparently, actor/filmmaker/all-around great guy Mel Gibson is working with Braveheart screenwriter Randall Wallace on a...
Probably no KH3 news at E3 though...
Rejoice KH fans; the E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has arrived.
Check it out below.
2.8 is...
To this day, we're not entirely sure what killed Sam Raimi's fourth Spider-Man film. While the remarkable goofiness of the third movie may have...