Twitch Streamer Says ‘Children with Cancer Are Meant to Die’



Streamer Lea May may have her hands full with apologies for what is being referred to as another of her “drunk tirades” on her Twitch stream. 

AGO LLT2Streaming video website Twitch has come under fire this week, as one popular streamer has claimed that ‘children that have cancer are meant to die’.

Twitch, a place where users record themselves playing video games and give followers the chance to donate to help their channels grow, seems to have ignored the potential controversy involving streamer ‘LegendaryLea’, who has over half-a-million followers on the site, and her stream where she made the claim on Friday.

The clip, which can be seen below, shows a drunk Lea playing Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, has since left the Internet with plenty to say, and Reddit users in particular are making their voices heard.

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“I was a bio major, and you should listen to me … Children with cancer are meant to die…”

Follow this link to see what all the fuss is about and see for yourself what issues the Twitch Community has with the current state of affairs on the matter. 

Her statement came after one user, who donated to Lea, asked her to promote their own stream in return, as it was raising money for St. Jude’s Cancer Research.

Lea does eventually suggest that her audience donates to St. Jude’s, but her efforts to raise money for the children’s charity had already been undercut by her dismissal of its cause.

The clip has since gone viral, with many calling it another publicity stunt.


Lea usually wears skin-tight clothing, often with suggested intent on drawing attention to her cleveage, and regularly drinks alcohol before and during her streams. She has been branded a Twitch ‘booby streamer’, a user who promotes what they wear, rather than their content, to gain exposure.




Twitch allows users to drink on stream, and in the wake of Lea’s controversial opinions, the Amazon-site is being called upon to regulate its content.

There are more young people on social media and online than there has ever been, and streamers like Lea are ranking among actors and sports personalities as role models for this generation’s children.

Accepting donations without endorsing others and denying ill children hope are not ways to set an example. As long as Lea remains on Twitch, she has a responsibility to inspire a younger audience, whether she likes it or not.

She has since apologised, though that too has been accused by her fans and the community of lacking sincerity, which you can see from the many mentions on her twitter profile.  lea


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