‘Titanfall’ DLC Is Free Now Until Forever



Free for everyone! Who owns an Xbox. 

[dropcap size=small]R[/dropcap]espawn Entertainment has released all three DLC expansions for Titanfall…for free…forever!

The three expansion, Expedition, Frontier’s Edge, and IMC Rising- were released for free as part of a promotion celebrating the game’s one year anniversary. It was later confirmed that the promotion has no time limit, and will be available for ever on supported platforms.

The trio of expansions had previously cost $10 each in the US and £7 each in the UK.

To mark the anniversary of the shooter, Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella  published a blog post thanking fans for their support of Titanfall throughout its first twelve months on the market. When the free expansion promotion was released, it was initially unclear how long it would last– that was clarified on Friday via the game’s official Twitter account:

It was also recently confirmed by Zampella that a Titanfall 2 is in the works, however details on that project are still hazy, and it is only in the early stages of planning.


Titanfall is available now for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.


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