Well that’s quite a development!
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]pparently the death of Jerome Valeska was only the beginning for the Joker. According to Cinema Blend Cameron Monaghan, the actor who played Jerome Valeska, has been filming for season 3 of Gotham. Monaghan also reportedly shared a photo of him in costume wearing face prosthetics which made it look like his face was not entirely attached to his skull; the post has since been deleted. Some fans saw this and made the connection to the “New 52” Joker.
For those that do not know, the “New 52” Joker had his face ripped of by The Dollmaker in Arkham Asylum. The Joker was thought to be dead, but then returned with his face attached to his skull with staples and a belt. This connection has led to the rumors.

There is also the possibility that Gotham will be using a Joker with a permanent smile, like Jack Nicholson’s Joker. The “New 52” Joker is a pretty terrifying character to put on television, so Gotham may not want to use such a character. The always smiling Joker would also need face prosthetics, so it is a possibility.

While many of the Monaghan’s social media posts were deleted shortly after they were posted, one of them was able to be saved. In an Instagram post, Monaghan shared an audio recording that had him as the Joker say “Hell, Gotham” and then laugh. You can go here to view the post.
Gotham airs on Mondays on Fox.