[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]et’s face it, Terminator 3 and 4 were terrible. With Terminator 5: Genisys now in the works, I’m a little skeptical about the franchise. It’s probably safe to say that no entry in the series will ever be on-par with Terminator 2; but please, just be less bad than the last two.

Genisys is confirmed, by Paramount Pictures, to be the start of a new trilogy, whose sequels will release in 2017 and 2018. It’s nice to have Arnold Schwarzenegger reprise his role as the Terminator, which will definitely bring in fans of the original. An audio clip of the film score leaked on the internet last week, but has yet to be confirmed as authentic.
Terminator: Genisys, directed by Alan Taylor, will release July 1st, 2105, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney.