Telltale Tweets Teaser for Game of Thrones Game Series



[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]elltale Games, whose likely best known from its episodic The Walking Dead game series, has shared a Tweet featuring Game of Thrones House Forrester. This may seem like very little news, but if you’ll recall July of last year, Telltale managed to secure the rights to a series of games based on the popular book series and HBO show. 

The Tweet, which features the Forrester’s, does nothing more but share the name of the Noble House and an passage from the upcoming sixth book, A Dance With Dragons. Up until this period in the HBO series, the Forrester’s have not been featured, but fans who have been caught up through the books by George R.R. Martin will recognize the significance of the characters and their allegiance to the late House Stark.

Little is known about the upcoming game franchise, as next to know details have been shared. But teaser trailers posted online by Telltale would suggest that we have much to look forward to some time in what is left of 2014. With only a few months left to wait, we might get the game series in early to mid-2015, but it looks like we will just have to be patient and wait for Telltale to give us the word.


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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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