Bourne will play Double Down in the upcoming season!
[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]eason 4 of Arrow doesn’t start until October, but another villain has been revealed to oppose The Arrow! Jr Bourne has been cast as Jeremy Tell, AKA Double Down!
Before taking the name Double Down, Jeremy Tell was a con artist who had a huge gambling addiction. One night after losing all of his money in a game, he murders the one that took the most money from him. Little did he know that the man he killed had a cursed deck of cards that attacked him and bonded with his skin.
Tell discovers that the cards connected to his skin can be detached from his body and directed anywhere that he wants them to go. The cards have razor-sharp edges that will be dangerous to anyone who opposes him. For the most part, Double Down has been known as an enemy to The Flash, which creates the idea of more crossover episodes for Arrow and season 2 of The Flash!
Neal McDonough will play as Damien Darhk, the other villain cast for season 4 of Arrow.
Season 4 of Arrow will return to the CW on October 7th!