You know what is cooler than cool….it’s Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero is now available for purchase for Injustice 2. However, to get him you have to purchase either Fighter Pack 1, Ultimate Edition, or the Digital Deluxe Edition. The Fighter Pack 1 DLC cost twenty dollars; which also includes Red Hood and Starfire. If you don’t want to buy the pack you can wait on July 18 to get Sub-Zero for six bucks as a standalone purchase.   Based on what I have seen in the trailer Sub-Zero looks very close to his MK X counterpart; but with a new twist.
I love the look of Sub-Zero’s new costume. Sub-Zero’s combos remind me of the combos he had in MK X. One of the dope things is how Sub-Zero can make use of the ice clones. Not only can he setup ice clones as obstacle like traps to freeze his opponents in place, but use his ice clones as a projectile. The ice clones also work as a shield from ranged attacks. Sub-Zero also even has an additional ranged attack; which includes an ice slide clone. Sub-Zero can even launch ice clones at his opponents from mid air for damage. Sub-Zero’s super is pretty crazy as well. Sub-Zero slides in his victim’s DMs to freeze him, follows up with an ice hammer smash, teleport to the other side of the screen, and finishes with a big slam.  Chill with Sub-Zero by watching the trailer below.  And if you are ready for Mortal Kombat, then go buy this cool character.