‘Stranger Things’ Remade into 8-Bit



[dropcap size=small]N[/dropcap]etflix’s original programing has yielded several hits for the powerhouse streaming service. The Duffer Brothers recent triumph, Stranger Things, has been available for streaming for some time now. This means the massive hit will spawn fan creations like this one from 8-bit Cinema. This is ridiculously appropriate considering the show’s 80’s time period, its cinematic aesthetic, and sheer nostalgia it inspires.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcYaLqEA4cM]

If you have yet to enjoy Stranger Things then you should do yourself the favor, everyone here at Geek Outpost greatly enjoyed it. The show has many redeeming qualities besides its 80’s vibes. The child actors are particularly entertaining, both on and off screen, every character is layered, and the show’s main mystery remains scintillating until the end.

Stranger Things will be getting a second and a few details have already emerged.

Stay tuned to Geek Outpost for all your Stranger Things news.

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Geek Outpost Head of Public Relations. At the young age of eight, my dad showed me a little film by the name of Pulp Fiction. My mind was blown. From that moment I learned to appreciate film on another level. To put it simply, I love movies.

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