Star Wars Battlefront 2 is expected to be released in time for Star Wars Episode VIII.
[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ast year’s Star Wars Battlefront was surely beautiful and you could tell that EA went to great lengths to ensure that the game was stunning. Unfortunately, the game didn’t appeal to all fans and critics with many complaining about the lack of space battles that made the original Star Wars Battlefront II so thrilling. Despite this drawback among other things the game did well and it appears that EA is still planning on releasing a sequel.
Blake Jorgensen, EA’s chief financial officer, made the announcement that the sequel to Star Wars Battlefront is expected to be released “a year for now” during an investors phone call three days ago. Not only that but according to the Polygon, Blake Jorgensen reportedly said that the sequel should be better than the previous Battlefront game and “we’re working very hard on making sure that [it] is an extremely deep and engaging offering.”
With the previous Battlefront game being disappointing enough to fans that EA felt compelled to release a statement promising that the sequel would do the franchise justice let’s hope that they follow through with their promise.