Star Wars: Rogue One – Daisy Ridley Comments On Rumors Jyn Erso is Rey’s Mother



We have been asking this since the Rogue One trailer came out. An answer we have received!

[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ess than a week ago, we witnessed the first trailer for the next Star Wars movie. One thing that really stuck out from the trailer was that the main character Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones) resembles what Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) looks like in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So the question that has been asked by many: Is Jyn Erso Rey’s mother?

That question was answered at the MTV Movie Awards last night in an interview with Ridley. Ridley didn’t hold back when she told MTV the answer to this rumor. 

“I’m not being funny you guys, but just because she’s white and got brown hair doesn’t mean she’s my mom,” 

Ridley knows who her parents are in the movies, so it makes sense for us to believe the statement above. She has known this even before The Force Awakens began filming. 

Another question that came up was whether Rey is even going to be a Jedi. It’s obvious that she possesses the power of the Force, but how she will use them. Ridley even compared herself to Leia Organa on this topic.

“I don’t know if I’m a Jedi … I don’t think I am,” Ridley said. “We’ve had this debate as to whether Leia is because she uses her Force powers.”

As far as her knowledge on Rogue One, she doesn’t know anything about the movie, which makes sense considering that she’s not even in the movie. She did say that many questions will be answered when Episode VIII is released in 2017.

Rogue One will be released to theaters in December 2016! 


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