‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Chrome Trooper Images Leak?



[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he folks over at Indie Revolver appear to have gotten their hands on images of the new Chrome Trooper said to be featured in Star Wars: Episode VII.

The website, which is quick to explain that they would “never post rumors as genuine news or fact”, has been pretty reliable in the past by releasing various photos from the set.

These supposedly leaked photos show a new breed of evolved Stromtroopers called Chrome Troopers.

Check out the photo and concept art below!

chrome trooper

chrome trooper concept

The new Chrome Trooper looks to retain a lot of the style and proportions of the classic Stormtrooper uniforms.

Indie Revolver explains that, unlike the top image above, the actual Chrome Troopers will not wear a hooded cloak or covering. The metal collar extends up from the torso armor and curves up on the sides of the helmet, then dips down at the back.

It’s still unclear how the Chrome Trooper will fit into the film, but that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating on rumors and conjuring their own theories.

Some predict that perhaps the Empire was not completely destroyed after the events of Return of the Jedi, Based on comments Oscar Isaac made to Entertainment Weekly.

Other sources suggest that the Chrome Troopers are more like hired-gun mercenaries rather than true Imperial Forces. One of the most prominent rumors swirling around has Adam Driver playing a wealthy aristocrat with an interest in Sith artifacts, and using the Chrome Troopers as his private security detail.

What do you think of these uniforms? How do you think the Chrome Troopers will fit into the Star Wars mythos? Let us know!

Star Wars: Episode VII is due out in theaters December 18, 2015.

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