Do you own a PC? If so, this is the graphics mod you’re looking for.
[dropcap size=small]Y[/dropcap]ou can’t deny the truth when it comes to Star Wars Battlefront‘s graphics. Sure, the gameplay isn’t all that exciting after two hours of playing, but you do have to admit that DICE and EA really did a great job when it comes to what the game looks like. That being said, Martin “Toddyftw” Bergman took Star Wars Battlefront’s graphics to a whole new level with his Toddyhancer graphics mod.
Before you start freaking out about Martin Bergman’s graphics mod and how bad you want it, it should be noted that Mr. Bergman never uploaded any video of him playing while the graphics mod was running to Imgur. He did upload a total of 80 screenshots so hopefully his graphics mod actually exists, but there is a chance that this is all photoshop work. That being said, if Martin Bergman’s graphics mod is released on the internet you will probably need a really impressive computer to run it properly. He claims that running the mod cuts your frame rate by 30 to 40 fps.
One thing is certain, if Star Wars Battlefront looks this amazing with the graphics mod, imagine what Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will look like in IMAX 3D.