Russell Crowe to Join Tom Cruise In ‘The Mummy’ Reboot



The Mummy reboot just added another actor to create a classic one-two punch!

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he Mummy reboot has already cast Tom Cruise for the lead role. Now another star actor will join his side for the movie!

Russell Crowe has reportedly been cast for the role of Dr. Jekyll to join Tom Cruise (who will play the role of Tyler Colt). Alex Kurtzman will direct the movie and Jon Spaights has already completed a script. Chris Morgan will oversee the monsters that will be featured in the movie with Kurtzman. Sean Daniels will produce the movie, along with Kurtzman and Morgan.

Crowe’s most recent movies, such as Man of Steel and The Nice Guys show the consistency that is needed to be cast for such a role. Universal Pictures did a good job selecting Crowe and Cruise for the top roles. The only other main character cast for the movie, so far, is Sofia Boutella (who will star as the Mummy.)

The Mummy is set to be released on June 9, 2017! Are you excited for a Mummy reboot? Let us know in the comments below!


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