Watch the official in-game trailer for Fallout 4 – the next generation of open-world gaming from the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Game Studios. Tune into Bethesda’s E3 Showcase on Sunday, June 14th at 7:00pm PT to see the world premiere of the game. – Bethesda UK
More information for Fallout 4 will be available on Sunday, June 14 at 7:00pm during Bethesda’s E3 Keynote event. What we know at this point is that A) the game looks awesome, and B) it will be available for PS4, PC, and XBO.
Bethesda’s announcement plans this year include not only this revelation, but also a new DOOM title. The teaser is only 14 seconds long but you can take a look at that below.
In addition to the above, fan speculation of Elder Scrolls VI has been circling for some time now, though with the release of ESO to consoles next week, that may be all we get for an Elder Scrolls title this year. Rumors have been limited, and while both Doom and Fallout are massive flagship titles on their own, a third release announcement in the form of ES VI might be asking too much. But hey, who knows? We may just get lucky on June 14. But if not, Doom and Fallout 4 are more than plenty to keep gamers satisfied.