Riot announces its most recent champion to the League of Legends world, Illaoi.
League of Legends has been getting a multitude of confirmed changes now that the season is coming to an end and it has most summoners in a frenzy. A lot of the game changes in champ select as well as in-game will definitely change the strategies of players for next season.
However, today Riot blessed us with some better news with the reveal of the newest champion, Illaoi. Illaoi the Kraken Priestess is a juggernaut solo laner with a passive that gives her the opportunity to deal some significant damage. Armed with the tentacles of the League of Legends lore god, Nagakabouros, Illaoi looks to be a huge threat to squishy ADCs as well as a beast in team fights.
All of her abilities basically play off of her passive which give her a high potential for some serious AOE damage. When in range of her tentacles that spawn on the walls of the map, her abilities do added damage with the presence of the slimy Kraken limbs. In short, objective control is a strong area for her if she’s able to plant some tentacles down for damage. However, pushing lane will cause her to leave her spawned tentacles decreasing her damage. Along with this, her chase potential is pretty weak making her extremely kiteable by ADCs like Vayne with a tumble or disengage ability.
Champs she would work well with are champs like Blitzcrank who can pull champions into her tentacles and someone like Lulu that can get Illaoi into the center of a team fight with ease to deal some significant damage. Champs she would do poorly against are champs like Vayne with kite potential as well as champs with crowd control abilities.
More information is to be revealed on the champion in the future, but for now Riot has just given us this little sneak peek on the upcoming tank who will most likely play in the top lane. No release date has been revealed, but the champ is surely in the works over in PBE.