Reddit User Points Out that Superman has only 43 Lines in ‘Batman v Superman



It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… a man of very few words, apparently. 

For a two and a half hour film, forty-three lines isn’t that much. Especially when you take into consideration that the title bears the Kryptonian’s moniker. Reddit user /u/coolerthanabagofice has taken it upon himself to compile a neat scene by scene list of all of Superman/Clark’s lines.

It is evident that director Zack Snyder’s take on DC’s big boy-scout is a little grittier than what most people are used to, following suit of Christopher Nolan’s Batman. Perhaps making him a man of few words is an attempt to convey the feeling of a more “realistic” superman. However, that doesn’t change the fact that such a pivotal character, whose name is in the title card, has such a small amount of dialogue. 

Superman is clearly not kidding around

Superman is clearly not kidding around, but he probably won’t tell you that. 


Many have suggested that they felt Henry Cavil’s performance was nothing more charismatic than a phone book, but that could have all been completely the fault of the screenwriters and perhaps even Synder himself (but we aren’t here to point fingers). Hopefully, Superman will really shine in future DC cinematic films, but only time will tell. Whatever the case may be, I’m sure that Snyder has big plans for Superman in the upcoming DC universe films! Guess we’ll have to wait and see!


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