Pokémon Creative Director Killed in Storm Accident



May he rest in peace… 

Earlier this week a large windstorm accident hit Seattle, 12718052_10153392999195778_2181935801196016075_na tree was knocked down, falling and crushing Eric Medalle while he was in his car. Medalle was in Seattle’s Seward Park on Sunday afternoon when the tragedy struck.

He was in the car with his 2 year old daughter who survived with minor injuries. Medalle was the Creative Director, who started work at Pokémon back in 2003 as a senior graphic designer and became creative director in 2010, having a part in most main series games.

Currently there is a fundraising page to help the children of Medalle to help fund their college careers. If you’d like to help the family you can go here to donate.

Thank you to Eric for being a part of a project that was so special to many people around the world, and may he rest easy.


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