Create Pokémon Trading Cards with Pokémon Art Academy



Have you ever imagined what it would be like adding a Pokémon Trading Card to your collection that YOU yourself designed? Well, now may be your chance with Pokémon Art Academy.

[dropcap size=small]P[/dropcap]okémon Art Academy is having an online competition where participants will be creating their very own masterpieces through the Pokémon Art Academy game for the Nintendo 3DS and their related handheld systems. All you have to do is post your design to the Miiverse Community and the winning artists will get a pack of 100 Pokémon Trading Cards featuring their very own art work.

Pokemon Art Academy

The Pokémon Art Academy Competition features two categories: “Your Favorite Pokémon” and “Dress-Up Pikachu.” In “Your Favorite Pokémon,” you’re free to draw any Pokémon you’d like. In “Dress-Up Pikachu,” draw Pikachu wearing the most imaginative costume you can come up with.

Entrees must be submitted directly to the Miiverse Community from the Pokémon Art Academy game in order to be eligible. Using the caption field, simply add a title and submit your work to the Pikachu Cosplay and Favorite Pokémon categories. However, the requirements do state that only the first submission from each Nintendo Network ID are eligible to win. 

Submissions will be accepted between February 18 and March 29 of this year. Entered artwork will be reviewed and selected with emails going out to notify winners in April. Winners are expected to receive their winning Pokémon cards in the fall of this year. 

Comp Key Dates

You can read all the details to the competition here while the rules can be found here. No purchase necessary. Aside from the game, that is.


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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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