Bungie is Finally Nerfing One-Eyed Mask and Recluse

Hunter and Warlock mains couldn't stop complaining, so Bungie is finally giving those crybabies what they want.



Damn it.

After countless Reddit posts on /r/DestinyTheGame and discussions on the Bungie Forums, these two will finally be getting nerfed into the ground.

During today’s ‘This Week at Bungie‘ blog post, the Destiny 2 devs addressed the elephant in the room, likely because Hunter and Warlock mains wouldn’t shut up about how powerful OEM is, and how meta The Recluse was for those who managed to earn it (I did).

Yeah, I am a Titan main, so what? Yeah, I use OEM and I have all the Crucible Pinnacle Weapons, and if I am not killing you with Recluse, you can bet I am sniping you with Revoker or taking you down with Not Forgotten. Nerf whatever you want, Bungie. Us Crucible players are still going to stomp the little guy with whatever tools you give us.

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, let’s look at just what is happening to these items in-game that will affect the PvP, most of all.


The Recluse

  • Changed the effects of Master of Arms:
    • Removed the precision damage modifier
    • Recluse will continue to receive a damage bonus from Master of Arms, but damage will not default to precision values when the perk activates

Many doubted The Recluse when it was first announced, but it has since proved to be resilient to being squashed. Although the precision damage modifier did not actually improve the efficacy of the weapon at its best, it did allow for fairly mindless spraying to be just as good as concentrated aiming. After considering various options on what to do with it, the decision was made to remove that part of the functionality and preserve its activation methods. The alternative was leaving in an effect we believe to be too strong for a Legendary weapon.

One-Eyed Mask

  • Changed the effects of Vengeance
    • Removed the overshield granted from defeating an opponent that inflicted damage on you

In a previous sandbox update, One-Eyed Mask received some tuning in how Vengeance was applied to Titans. Next Season, this perk will continue to provide health regeneration when defeating an opponent that has inflicted damage upon your Guardian, but it will no longer grant an overshield.


Okay, this sucks for The Recluse, mostly. The overshield, I can do without on OEM. As long as I can see you when you are about to come out from around your poor choice of a hiding place, I am fine with that. As for Recluse, I am bummed. But the gun isn’t completely useless as the damage bonus still stands, but the precision accuracy has taken what sounds like a very noticeable hit.

Yeah, that news is a drag, since I use both constantly in the Crucible, but I mix it up from time to time, and it really doesn’t hurt all that bad. Eventually, Hunters and Warlocks will band together again and complain about something else, since that is what they do, but let’s not forgot that St0mp-ee5 turned Hunters into sky-hopping ninjas and Handheld Supernova is a melee attack that is a tracking one-hit-kill explosion. But whatever.

OEM is still going to dominate with its visibility through walls and Recluse is still going to be a monster up-close, so I doubt these changes are going to alter the meta too much and stop people from using them.

This wasn’t all Bungie had to say about re-tuning a select few weapons as Xenophage was addressed as well. This new machinegun exotic was so bad, that many of us (myself included) refused to even go after the weapon because it was extremely ineffective and just overall useless. So, hopefully, the buffs help. Let’s take a look at those.

  • Xenophage
    Increased PvE damage by +50%
  • Ammo pulled from PvP crates has been increased to 4/6 from 3/4 from shared and solo Heavy ammo crates, respectively

Xenophage unintentionally shipped a little weak, so it’s getting a bump up in raw damage. Machine Guns have a higher ammunition capacity than other Heavy weapons, trading raw DPS for ease of use. Xenophage slides further towards other Heavy weapons such as Grenade Launchers in that aspect but didn’t get enough power back. This will correct that.


In addition to the above changes, most of which just suck, Bungie promises to address some quality of life changes which include how to acquire Escalation Protocol Armor and various bug fixes. These changes and more will be coming after this season concludes on December 10.

Whatever, Bungie. Fix your bugs. You can’t fix my heart. Which you broke. With your nerfs.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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