Destiny 2 has just reached its third and final seasonal episode and there are some interesting reprisals that its come with. Heresy, as its called, just launched this week and sees the return of the Dreadnaught, which first arrived in a short form for the Kings Fall raid but now, it has a handful of new activities and updated patrol spaces.
Along with the Dreadnaught and its related activities, the new Heresy episode has been a feeding frenzy of leaks the moment it dropped yesterday, which included the data-mined discovery of the No Land Beyond Sniper rifle from Destiny 1.
While it has not been confirmed by any official Bungie channels, the gun will apparently be coming back with a few updates along with a new name- New Land Beyond. According to data-miners, the gun will also receive a visual overhaul either through a new ornament or simply, a redesign to distinguish itself from its D1 counterpart. For those unfamiliar, the gun has actually been in Destiny 2 since launch, as it is Devrim Kay’s always-equipped weapon in the patrol zone of the EDZ.

The Lore Card for New Land Beyond has also been discovered with the following story snippet attached to the weapon:
Sun rising over the water, she’s got to move. Three Fallen down. That means find a new sniper nest before her enemy comes looking.
They’re on the prowl, the ragged ends of Devils only barely integrated into Dusk. There’s an old factory with outflow pipes leading to a drying riverbed; she doesn’t know what it used to make, but it’s closer to a Human settlement than she likes. A potential enemy stronghold.
The Fallen can’t have it. But they’re trying, and they’re backed up by the canniest Vandal with a wire rifle she’s ever faced.
Rifle goes on her back, under the cloak, and she climbs down out of the tree that once served her so well. She wades through the water, tacking towards the other shore.
A shot whines overhead, the snap and fade of an Arc bolt. A second shot tears a line through her shoulder. She throws herself forward, tucked low against the riverbed, and crawls forward. The ridge keeps her out of likely enemy sightlines.
There’s a boulder that’s got a good look to it. She slithers behind it into concealing shadow. Front’s all mud and blood now, but she’ll deal with that later.
Her enemy’s got a cloaking device. Doesn’t always use it. The power draw’s a giveaway if you have the right equipment, which she doesn’t. She keeps her eyes open for any rustling, any faint blurring of background.
It’s the sun’s glint that gives him away in the end, winking against the scope on his wire rifle.
From deep in shadow, she takes the shot.
It’s her planet.
They can’t have it.
The gun, while not technically available yet, has also gotten some leaked gameplay footage that showed up out of nowhere recently, which shows off the weapon in its new form, which you can be seen on YouTube, shown in the video clip below:
While we are not sure what the plan is for this reprisal, whether it ends up being attached to a dungeon, an exotic mission, an unannounced event or a returning one, some fans will no doubt be extremely excited to see this fan-favorite weapon return. Will it be enough to see a large amount of players return? Not likely. But for those who remain, they may find some joy in obtaining the weapon when it becomes available at some point in the near future.