Nintendo’s president announces plans for feature films
[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t’s obvious to anyone in the video game community that recent years haven’t treated Nintendo very well. Their sales have plummeted and their IP’s have received mixed reviews. In what is obviously an attempt to create revenue and spark interest in their characters once again. Nintendo has decided to take their licenses to the big screen.

Now, before a certain abomination comes to mind, the company’s president; Tatsumi Kimishima stated that Nintendo will retain most of the creative control. Kimishima told Asahi Shimbun that the company is currently under negotiations with major production companies in search of a partner to help break them in to the business.
“We want to do as much as we can by ourselves,”
The company’s ultimate goal is to make it alone in the film business. Its films will target a world-wide audience and we can expect their first release to hit theaters in 2 to 3 years time.
The company has yet to reveal any details regarding their film projects, but it’s safe to assume that it will most likely be a 3-D computer animated film, probably based on the Super Mario series.
Though the popularityof their games has declined, Nintendo must always be respected as the forefather of modern video games. Hopefully they will get out of their slump, but with the Nintendo NX already getting some bad press, making films might not be a bad gamble. They could spark the interest needed to put Nintendo back on top.