Nintendo Switch Gets Software Update to Enable Bluetooth Audio Devices

Your Switch will finally be able to connect to your Airpods but there is a caveat or two that comes along with using a Bluetooth headset.



We love the Nintendo Switch and all its versatility but man, it has been super annoying not being able to connect our Airpods or other Bluetooth listening devices. Finally, after four years of being on the market, it finally will be able to do just that through a recent software update.

As it turns out, the Switch always had the built-in functionality that would allow it to use Bluetooth devices, it was just disabled by Nintendo due to the caveats that come along with enabling the coveted feature. Turns out, while you will now be able to use a headset with your Switch, other features and functions will become incompatible while using it.

According to the official Nintendo Support page, the number of controllers you can use while connected to a headset will be restricted to only two at a time which isn’t exactly a big deal for most people. Below are the other important notes that Switch owners should also be aware of:

  • Up to two wireless controllers can connect to a Nintendo Switch system while using Bluetooth audio. You will not be able to pair additional wireless controllers until you disconnect the Bluetooth audio device.
  • Bluetooth audio will be disconnected during local communication, such as when starting a local wireless multiplayer game.
  • Only one Bluetooth audio device can be paired at a time, but up to 10 devices can be saved on a Nintendo Switch system.
  • Bluetooth microphones cannot be used.
  • You may experience audio latency depending on your Bluetooth device.

You would think that after all this time and success, Nintendo would have discovered a way to include Bluetooth listening without limitations. Regardless, this is a welcome addition that we are all too excited about. If nothing else, it will make those long road trips to visit your stepmother’s family slightly less insufferable.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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