Izuku Midoriya’s journey to become the world’s greatest hero resumes later this year, as the fourth season of My Hero Academia will begin airing in Japan on October 12. Check out the trailer announcing its return date, in addition to a preview teaser released a few days earlier.
As expected, season four will introduce new heroes and villains, in addition to more screen time for UA Academy’s “Big Three”— Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado, and the bizarre but unmatched Mirio Togata.
We still don’t have confirmation that season four will be simulcast (simultaneously broadcasted) in English like season three was on Funimation, but we’ll be sure to let you know when an announcement is made.
Till then, you can watch the first three seasons of My Hero Academia on Funimation.
My Hero Academia season four premieres in Japan on October 12, 2019.
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