Mister Sinister Allegedly Set as Villain for ‘Wolverine 3’



X-Men: Apocalypse ending confirms that this will be the villain in the next Wolverine movie!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n an interview with Cinema Blend, X-Men: Apocalypse Simon Kinberg (writer and producer) and Bryan Singer (director) said that the post-credit scene with the vial labeled “Weapon X” in the case named Essex Corp confirms the villain for Wolverine 3. Mister Sinister’s real-life name is Nathaniel Essex, which makes it clear who Wolverine will be up against for Wolverine 3.


Wolverine 3, which is based on the 8-comic series called Old Man Logan and Mister Sinister isn’t featured much in that story. So either the movie will set him up for a bigger role or the writers will expand his role and go off their own story. Richard E. Grant has been cast as a “mad-scientist” for the movie, which we will assume is Mister Sinister. There are a couple Old Man Logan comics where he makes key appearances that would make sense for the movie to be based off of. Mister Sinister makes appearances in Old Man Logan-Secret Wars and Secret Wars Extraordinary. 

Even though it’s not 100% confirmed that Grant will be Mister Sinister, IMDB already thinks that Grant is Mister Sinister. Whether that is true remains to be seen.

Wolverine 3 is set to be released to theaters on March 3rd, 2017!


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