Mewtwo Coming to Pokemon GO, ‘Special Invite’ Only Raids



Niantic Developer says that Mewtwo will be available “in the coming weeks” to follow!

[dropcap size=small]Y[/dropcap]esterday in Yokohama, trainers that attended the event at Pokemon GO Stadium were given the opportunity to catch the Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo! 

But with the event over, we anticipate that Niantic will release Mewtwo to the world. Just as they did with the Legendary Birds after Pokemon GO Fest in Chicago. But unlike the birds, you have to have a special-raid invite in order to catch him. These special-raids are reserved for trainers who have committed to the game on a high level. Niantic went into detail on what entails for a trainer to be invited to a special-raid:

“Unlike existing raids, trainers will be invited to join an exclusive raid battle,” Niantic explains. “To receive an invitation to participate in an exclusive raid battle, trainers must have successfully completed a raid recently, by defeating the raid boss, at the gym where the exclusive raid battle will be taking place. The invitations will include advance warning of when the exclusive raid will take place, giving them ample time to coordinate with other trainers before taking on the powerful raid boss.”

Raids were introduced to the Pokemon world earlier this summer and this will take that one step further with the Mewtwo raids, as well as potentially another wave of raid bosses. Seeing that the Legendary Birds are available until the end of the month, we could be looking at Mewtwo raids starting in September! 

Be sure to catch Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres before they disappear at the end of the month!


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