Melissa McCarthy Found the ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot Trailer “Very Confusing”



You know a movie trailer is bad when one of the main characters even says it’s confusing!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]f you haven’t heard yet, the official trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie came out a couple months ago. Unfortunately, it set a record that no one saw coming and it’s not a good one.

This week, the trailer set the record for most-disliked Youtube video ever with over 700,000 dislikes. Considering the amount of hype that came with this movie, this is pretty disappointing to see. After star actress Melissa McCarthy watched the trailer, even she didn’t like what she saw.

“It’s a reboot not a remake,” she said on The John, Jay & Rich Show. “I know its weird that they say [in the trailer] ‘30 years ago’, but in this movie its like the first one didn’t happen. It’s a great story but it’s told totally differently. It’s four unlikely heroes, it’s in New York City, ghosts are taking over; it’s that same classic story but it’s not 30 years later … it’s not dependent on the first one.”

McCarthy also went on to say that she brought up this issue prior to the release of the trailer, but was ignored.

“Believe me the question was asked,” she said. “I think that it’s very confusing. But then everyone said we don’t care what you think.”

Director Paul Feig responded to the criticism last week, keying in on the fact that most of the backlash towards the movie was because of an all-female Ghostbuster team.

“The haters on our trailer were very proud of the fact they had racked up 400,000 [currently 750,000] dislikes on YouTube versus 200,000 likes,” he said. “But [given the number of views] that’s not a majority by anybody standards. Some of it is that people don’t want an old property touched – I’m sympathetic to that. But the ones who are hating it because it’s about women? That’s just a non-starter.”

After watching it myself, I’m agreeing with McCarthy on how it has the look of a great story. The trailer was not put together very well because the objective of the movie is that it is a reboot from the original, not a sequel. So I was also confused at the start when they subtitled ’30 years ago, this happened.’ Yes, the original Ghostbusters came out 32 years ago, but the message has to promote the movie that will be coming out this summer. This doesn’t automatically make this an unwatchable movie either, but perhaps we will have to wait for the next trailer to change some minds about that. 


Check out the current trailer above! Ghostbusters will be released to theaters on July 15th!



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