‘Mario Maker’ Could Arrive Later Than Anticipated



[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ho doesn’t want to build their own Super Mario Bros. levels? No one, right? Well GameSpot is reporting that unfortunately we all might have to wait a bit longer for Wii U’s Mario Maker than previously anticipated.

The inventive title was announced at last year’s E3 event with an expected release date of the first six months of 2015, but now that’s not looking so sure. Although Nintendo’s website still lists the release date for Mario Maker as “First Half of 2015,” the company’s recently-released earnings report makes things a little cloudier. The report, which spanned from April to December 2014, contained a list of upcoming games including Mario Maker, and its release date simply read “2015.”

While this doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re going to have to wait until the second half of the year to finally be able to create our own levels in Super Mario World, it doesn’t exactly instill any confidence that players will get their hands on the game before summer. We’ll keep you updated once any more information on a release date is known. In the meantime, check out the game’s trailer if you haven’t seen it yet. It looks incredible.

Are you disappointed by the (potential) change in the game’s release date? Tell us in the comments!

Mario Maker will be available for Wii U…sometime this year.


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