K&K Shares Details on their Upcoming DBZ Web Series



K&K steps out of the shadows to revamp and update Dragon Ball fans on the latest developments of their massive project.  

Anime is one tough cookie to bake (not an expression), but that is not stopping so many film chefs from trying their best to create the greatest Dragon Ball Z film(s) and webisodes we have ever seen. 

Previously, we have covered several companies working towards bringing the Saiyan Story to life, such as our good friends Robot Underdog out here in Southern California. However, the North American anime troupe is not the only fan/studio interested in trying their hand at impressing the world with their skills behind and in front of the camera. Enter UK studios K&K Productions.

“Over here at K&K Productions we are huge DragonBall Z fans. After the insult to DBZ that was DragonBall Evolution, we went on to create a fan made trailer for what a live action adaptation of the Saiyan Saga could look like. With almost 10 million views online, we feel we have proved the demand for live action DBZ, which is something we are very proud of.

The trailer was made on a tiny budget, which presented problems in terms of VFX, costume etc. Now three years later we are finally ready to move forward with a full Webseries, which will start with a 22 minute pilot episode and vastly improve on what has come before.

Check out the video update below, which will highlight some of the things we will be doing to make this the greatest live action DBZ that the fans have ever seen!”

“As you can see in the video, we have made vast improvements on every level in the last three years and we aim to use all those elements to create something truly spectacular.  The series itself will feature ALL your favorite characters!

We have already shot a sample scene so that we can show you guys the kind of quality we will be hitting in the webseries pilot. It will be released in the next few months and we made a huge effort to make sure that everything is at highest quality, including costume, equipment, locations, and of course Goku himself. We aren’t revealing the person who plays Goku just yet, but we think you’ll all agree that he has an amazing DBZ look and no one will be able to say he’s not ripped enough! We have also teamed up with a large VFX studio that will be delivering Hollywood effects, which is what DBZ really needs to be done right.

We will be releasing lots of images and updates on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter over the next month or so. We will post a full video update with all the details on the web series once the sample scene has been released.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can keep yourself fully updated. We can’t wait to show you guys more!”

So there you have it, straight from the source; Dragon Ball Z is getting some serious treatment from fans who are promising to deliver an experience unlike any before. Which isnt saying much considering their only previous competition was Dragon Ball Evolution.

Then again, K&K are not the only ones out to make a name for themselves with a large-scale Dragon Ball project. Robot Underdog is another big contender among a few others with some serious drive and talent in their camp, however they are focusing more on the History of Future Trunks’ storylines, leaving K&K to be the only film company out there actively pursuing the mainstream DBZ plotline with the inclusion of the arrival of the Saiyans.

However, with the news of so many Dragon Ball projects coming to life at once by fans with undeniable passion, it will be interesting to see who comes out on top as making the greatest Dragon Ball project of all time…

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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