John C. Reilly Coming Back for a Wreck-It Ralph Sequel



In a recent interview, John C. Reilly announced that he would be signing on to be a part of a Wreck-It Ralph sequel.

Disney has been staying strong with the continued release of hit children’s movies that also appeal to adults. One of those being Wreck-It Ralph, film followers have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of a sequel. There was never much doubt that the film would get a sequel. It was more of a waiting game on when the film was going to be announced.

John C. Reilly, a star voice in the first animated film, announced in a recent interview that he would in fact be back with Disney for a Wreck-It Ralph 2.

This came as good news for Wreck-It Ralph fans with the “official” announcement from John C. Reilly. However, unfortunately for viewers, there is no set release date. Disney has its hands full this upcoming year with some predicted films to come out including the long-awaited Frozen sequel.

Director Rich Moore claimed back in 2013 that he had a number of plans for moving forward with the film. It seems like the sequel could take a number of different avenues, but fans will have to wait and see when the release date will be. Let us know in the comments what you would like to see in the Wreck-It Ralph sequel!


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