JJ Abrams says He is Now Done Making Reboots



The director is now setting his sights on new and fresh ideas!

[dropcap size=small]M[/dropcap]ovie director JJ Abrams has done an excellent job over his career directing movie reboots. But earlier this week, Abrams announced that he is moving on from directing reboots.

At the 2017 Golden Globes, Abrams told PEOPLE Deputy Editor JD Heyman that he wants to set his sights on fresh, new projects.

“You know, I feel incredibly lucky to have gotten involved in things that I loved when I was a kid,” he said. “In fact, even Westworld, which we’re here for tonight, is one of them. But I don’t feel any desire to do that again. I feel like I’ve done enough of that that I’m more excited about working on things that are original ideas that perhaps one day someone else will have to reboot.”

When making a reboot, Abrams said that the story should always carry the story forward.

“You know, I do think that if you’re telling a story that is not moving anything forward, not introducing anything that’s relevant, that’s not creating a new mythology or an extension of it, then a complete remake of something feels like a mistake,” 

“But film is a fairly young medium and there are stories that have lasted for centuries,” he added. “And it’s not uncommon, I think, for stories to be retold — whether it’s at campfire or on film, but I think you always have to be additive. You can’t just be remaking something just for the sake of remaking it.”

Abrams most notable reboots included Star Trek and Westworld among others. As good as he was at recreating past stories, shifting his focus to creating new ideas and putting them on the big screen is good for the fans. Reboots and movies of the past can only get someone so far in a movie career and Abrams realizes that. Best of luck to you Director Abrams!

What do you think of JJ Abrams shifting his focus to new movie ideas? Let us know in the comments below!


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