In case your wallet isn’t hurting enough from Nintendo’s E3 lineup, Mario Maker joins the roster as a fun way to torture your friends. What seems to be the closest thing to a Mario Paint sequel we’ll ever get (we see you, flyswatter cameo), Mario Maker is a game dedicated to creating your own Mario levels. The game is shown to feature levels in the stylings of classic Super Mario Bros. and New Super Mario Bros. The game will take full advantage of the Wii U’s touch controls, drag and drop baddies and items, then edit them to create your own personal hell in the form of a Mario level. How many flying Hammer Bros. can we fit in a level? We’ll use that many.
Nintendo, seamlessly, implemented the ability to swap between playing and editing levels to ensure you can perfect your masterpiece before unleashing it to the world. This seems to be Nintendo’s answer to Minecraft, but can this blossom into something bigger? Your move, Nintendo.
Mario Maker releases exclusively for the Wii U in 2015.