Ian McDiarmid Will Not Be in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story



Looks like Darth Vader is going solo in the next Star Wars movie!

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hen we think of Darth Vader’s time in the Star Wars series, most of the movies involved the Emperor in some way (excluding Episode 4.) As for Rogue One, not so much. Ian McDiarmid, who played as the Emperor in the prequel movies, confirmed that he has no role in the upcoming movie, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

First reported by Hound’s Tooth Blog, McDiarmid was at the Amsterdam Comic-Con in the Netherlands and commented on the new Star Wars movie coming out. 

Rogue One’s on its way, when I was in charge of things – I mean the Emperor, not me. I am not featured in [the movie] myself, but I understand that Darth Vader may be making an appearance.

Based on what Rogue One is about, it would make sense that he is in because it is based on the Empire building the Death Star AKA his baby. Although the Emperor wasn’t in Episode 4, he did put together the plan to build the Death Star. So it is disappointing that he’s not in it, but not at a complete loss because Vader is there to oversee the construction of the Death Star.

On the bright side, Bail Organa and Mon Mothma will be in Rogue One. These are two vital characters for the berth of the rebellion. Does this mean that we won’t see the Emperor again? There’s no definite answer for that, but I doubt we have seen the last of the Emperor. His evil is brewing somewhere in a film that will be made far, far away from today.

Would you have put Diarmid’s character in Rogue One? Let us know in the comments below!


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