If the rumors are true, that means the Red Hood is headed to the big screen.
[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]ne of Batman’s darkest and tragic moments could be the basis for the upcoming Batman solo film. Both DC’s Geoff Johns and Ben Affleck are working on the script for the film and Ben Affleck has expressed interest numerous times in directing. The film, which doesn’t have an official name yet, will supposedly follow the events of Jason Todd’s death, his resurrection from the dead, and his goal to frame Batman as a criminal, according to Latino Review and JoBlo‘s sources.
If you don’t remember much about Jason Todd/the Red Hood or you don’t know anything about him, here is a quick summary for you. Jason Todd was the second character to actually take up the Robin identity and unlike the first Robin, he was more of a rebel figure. He smoked, swore and fought authority, including Batman’s. Unlike Batman, Jason Todd seemed to believe that those who committed a horrifying crime deserved death. Eventually Jason Todd discovers that the woman who he thought was his mother isn’t and goes searching for her. Upon discovering his biological mother Jason Todd and his mother are killed by the Joker because of a time bomb before Batman can save them. The death of Jason Todd haunts Batman, something he views as his greatest failure, which fills him with grief and his obsession with catching the Joker intensifies.
Fast forward many years in the future and Batman discovers that Jason Todd is alive due to the mysterious powers of the Lazarus Pit which resurrected him and left him mentally unstable. Jason Todd learns that Bruce Wayne never avenged his death and vows to enact his revenge upon both Batman and the Joker. He then takes up the identity of the Red Hood and takes steps to turn the city against the Dark Knight.
Of course it is important to remember that this is all speculation and this has not been confirmed yet. However, if it does turn out to be true it would mean that references to Jason Todd’s death/the Red Hood would be made in either Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, or both. There are rumors that Nightwing, aka Dick Grayson, will be referenced in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice so at this point anything is possible. Still, the idea of using the Red Hood as a central plot for the upcoming Batman solo film isn’t that bad of an idea. Unlike the Marvel movies, DC isn’t afraid to get dark and it would certainly appeal to many fans.
How do you feel about the idea of the Red Hood being involved in the Batman solo film? Who would you like to see play the role? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter!