Guardians of the Galaxy Will Appear in Thor 4, Reveals Vin Diesel

In a recent interview, Vin Diesel let it slip that at least some of the Guardians will be present in Love and Thunder.



Earlier this week, Vin Diesel sat down for an interview to promote his upcoming movie ‘Bloodshot‘. During the chat, he appears to have let it slip that the Guardians and Thor will be meeting up in some way in Love and Thunder.

Thor will incorporate some of the Guardians of the Galaxy. That’ll be very interesting… nobody knows, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.

If you are able to watch the clip, it seems as though Diesel starts talking and then realizes he messed up, but decides to go with it anyway. As for what members of the GotG he is referring to, he wasn’t clear.

He didn’t go into any further detail aside from referencing Groot as ‘Alpha Groot’. What this means is uncertain as well, but it could be a hint as to what version of Groot we get in his next appearance. You will recall that Groot was just a teenager at the end of Endgame, so perhaps his adult version is referred to as ‘Alpha’ internally.

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You will recall that following Tony Stark’s funeral at the end of Avengers: Endgame, Thor joins up with the Guardians on an unknown adventure after appointing Valkyrie as the ruler of New Asgard. We suspect that this will likely be the segway into the continued partnership between the Guardians and Thor somehow.

Thor: Love and Thunder is scheduled to release on November 5, 2021.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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