GTA V Mod Adds Crysis Nanosuit



One of the great things about GTA V is the ability to do whatever you want as long as it is within the realm of the game itself.  The only problem here is that you are limited in regards to how you want to complete the objective you set.  If you are tired of following the rules of the game; then say no more!  We have the perfect solution! 

Use the latest tech this PC mod has to over!  The nanosuit that is used by the protagonist in the video game known as Crysis will give you power beyond measure.  You will be one overpowered mother fudrucker with this mod.  The nanosuit will allow you to move at high speeds, throw heavy objects like Superman, perform stealth operations like Solid Snake, and become a human bullet sponge. 

The mod also changed the GTA V HUD to allow weapon component customization options.  And no Crysis mod is complete without the ever so popular super jump.  Who doesn’t want to jump tall buildings like the Incredible Hulk?  To find out what else you can do with mod please check out the video provided below.


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