Grand Theft Auto TV Drama Coming Soon



RockStar will not be involved with the production of BBC’s “making of” show about the franchise.

[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]n Thursday, the London-based broadcaster announced that they will be making a TV drama based on the Grand Theft Auto games. Not much was said other than BBC two will carry the drama, and a release that was sent out yesterday saying “the drama based on Grand Theft Auto.”

UK-based games writer Guy Cocker, a former GameSpot editor, is working on the show. Cocker says on Twitter the 90-minute program will be a “making of” feature that focuses on the people responsible for creating the franchise.

The BBC GTA show is part of a bigger picture called “ Make it Digital.” An initiative to get younger generations to get creative with coding, programming and digital technology.



The Newest version of the GTA is Grand Theft Auto V, it was released in September 2013. The long-awaited online Heists mode debuted earlier this week with some server issues at launch but now the co-op mode is back up and running.


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