
The best news in one place


Expendables 4 will be the End of the Franchise

It's time to let them go. It was recently reported that Expendables 4 will be the last film in the Expendables franchise. While the film...

Deadpool was the Most Pirated Film of 2016

People just could not get enough of the merc with a mouth! Torrentfreak recently reported that Deadpool was the most illegally downloaded film of 2016....

Get your First Look at the Putty Patrollers in the Upcoming MMPR Reboot Film

Compared to Goldar the Putty Patrollers don't look that bad. So far the cosmetics and costumes for the upcoming Power Rangers film have been at the center of...

Best of 2016: Jake’s Top Picks of the Year

Here are my favorite shows, games, and movies of THE WORST YEAR EVER. 2016 didn't suck. Sure, I disliked last year for probably the same...

Deadpool Rumored to Appear in ‘Logan,’ Denied by Reynolds and Jackman

Safe to say it isn't happening, folks. Last week, The Wrap reported (in a story that has since been updated) that Ryan Reynolds has shot...

Russell Crowe is Dr Jekyll in new The Mummy Photo with Tom Cruise

Russell Crowe already has a history of getting angry off set so this role is perfect for him. If there is one thing we all...

Hulu Gets Exclusive Disney Streaming Deal

As the battle for best streaming site continues, Hulu gets a cut of Disney's product with Netflix! It may have been a late Christmas gift...

Dwayne Johnson Teases Black Adam in Photo with Henry Cavill

But where's Shazam? Could Superman face off against Black Adam in Man of Steel 2? Or will they both show up in Shazam? Both certainly seems...

Carrie Fisher confirmed to finish Filming Role in Star Wars 8 prior to Untimely Death

How Carrie Fisher's death impacts the storyline of Star Wars remains to be seen. As tragic as it is that Carrie Fisher unexpectedly passed away last...

Tomb Raider Reboot to Begin Filming Next Month

How should we start 2017? Tomb Raider reboot? Sounds like a plan! In an early report from Mr. Entertainment World, 2017 will kick off with the...

Best of 2016: Alan’s Top Picks of the Year

There was a lot of competition in all of the categories! This time of year everyone looks back on the year that was and thinks...

Here is your First glance at the upcoming Captain Underpants film with Ed Helms

Be warned there is a man wearing only underpants. Entertainment Weekly recently released the first photo from the upcoming animated film Captain Underpants. Captain Underpants...

At age 60, Carrie Fisher Passes Away

May the Force be with her, always! Earlier today, actress Carrie Fisher died this morning from a heart attack she suffered late last week while...

Spider-Man may not appear in Avengers: Infinity War

Maybe Spider-Man will appear in Avengers: Infinity War Part 2? At the beginning of this week it was announced that production for Avengers: Infinity War would begin...

Weekend Box Office Results 12/23-12/25

We were all rogues on Christmas! This past weekend Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was the top movie at the box office for the...

Fourth Divergent Film Likely Won’t See the Original Cast Returning, says Lead Actor

With the latest entry in the Divergent series underperforming at the box office David Theo thinks it's time to let the franchise die. Somethings are better...

Goldar From Live-Action Power Rangers Movie Revealed in Toy Form

Surprise! He looks disgusting! Another character's look for the upcoming live-action Power Rangers film has been revealed in toy form. A new commercial showcasing the boring-looking...

This Week at the Trailer Park: The Lost City of Z, The Emoji Movie, and How to Be a Latin Lover

This week at the trailer park Charlie Hunnam goes to the Amazon, Emojis come to life, and Eugenio Derbez learns how to love.   The Lost...

Naruto to get a Live-Action Hollywood Film Adaptation

BELIEVE IT. Sigh One of the world's most popular manga/anime series is heading to the big live-action...from a Hollywood studio... Shonen Jump recently confirmed that...

John Wick 2 gets a New Trailer

John Wick is out for blood..... again! Lionsgate has released a new trailer for John Wick: Chapter 2. If you have not seen the trailer...