People just could not get enough of the merc with a mouth!
Torrentfreak recently reported that Deadpool was the most illegally downloaded film of 2016....
Compared to Goldar the Putty Patrollers don't look that bad.
So far the cosmetics and costumes for the upcoming Power Rangers film have been at the center of...
How Carrie Fisher's death impacts the storyline of Star Wars remains to be seen.
As tragic as it is that Carrie Fisher unexpectedly passed away last...
Be warned there is a man wearing only underpants.
Entertainment Weekly recently released the first photo from the upcoming animated film Captain Underpants. Captain Underpants...
Maybe Spider-Man will appear in Avengers: Infinity War Part 2?
At the beginning of this week it was announced that production for Avengers: Infinity War would begin...
With the latest entry in the Divergent series underperforming at the box office David Theo thinks it's time to let the franchise die.
Somethings are better...
Surprise! He looks disgusting!
Another character's look for the upcoming live-action Power Rangers film has been revealed in toy form.
A new commercial showcasing the boring-looking...
One of the world's most popular manga/anime series is heading to the big live-action...from a Hollywood studio...
Shonen Jump recently confirmed that...