
The best news in one place


This Week at the Trailer Park: Imperial Dreams, Lowriders, and Brimstone

This week at the trailer park John Boyega tries to fix his life, Gabriel Chavarria is a street artist, and Dakota Fanning is being...

John Cleese May Have a Role in an Upcoming DC Film

Is John Cleese in league with DC?  Wonder Woman and Justice League are the two big DC releases set to hit the big screens this year,...

Marvel is Teasing a Big Announcement for Tomorrow (1/26/2017)

WHAT IS IT?!? DON'T TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS! Earlier today, Marvel Entertainment left a cryptic tweet letting fans know something's coming tomorrow, 1/26/17, at 7:00am...

Looks like ‘Hellboy 3’ May Happen After All!

Director Guillermo del Toro is set to meet up with Ron Perlman and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola.  If you're a fan of that big red...

Deadpool Director to take on Future Terminator Film

Do we really need another Terminator Film? Since his epic work on both The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day James Cameron has not been involved in...

Weekend Box Office Results 1/20-1/22

Is M. Knight Shymalan back? This past weekend at the box office, Split was the number 1 movie. In its debut weekend Split was able...

Tom Cruise, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds on Shortlist for Green Lantern

Hmm, yeah, Ryan Reynolds would probably make a great Hal Jordan.  The Wrap has revealed six actors that are apparently being considered by DC and...

Star Wars Episode VIII Gets A Title

Rian Johnson's long-awaited movie gets its title! Check out the details here! Since The Force Awakens was released, we knew that the sequel would build on the...

Anne Hathaway is a giant monster in “Colossal” trailer

She just can't catch a break! The first trailer for the upcoming movie Colossal was recently released. If you have not seen the trailer yet...

This Week at the Trailer Park: Wilson, Collide, and Before I Fall.

This week at the trailer park Woody Harrelson is a dad, Nicholas Hoult gets caught up in drug smuggling, and Zoey Deutch dies...a lot.   Wilson A...

The latest trailer for ‘Power Rangers’ shows off Bryan Cranston’s Zordon

Elizabeth Banks' Repulsa makes her first screen debut. Lionsgate finally dropped an official trailer for Power Rangers titled 'It's Morphin Time!' with many thrilling surprises contained...

Check out the final trailer for ‘Logan’

The final trailer for Logan is a heart-wrenching thriller. With just over a month left until its official release 20th Century Fox dropped the last trailer...

‘Your Name’ Receives US Theatrical Release in April

The phenomenon will release with subtitles and an English Dub. Rejoice anime fans! One of the most celebrated animated films of last year is finally...

Miles Morales Confirmed For Sony’s Animated ‘Spider-Man’ Movie

First Homecoming and now this? 2017 is shaping up to be a great year for Spider-Man fans. After weeks of speculation, Sony has made the...

Cable’s Origin in Deadpool Sequel Teased by Writers

With such a complex origin story, writers Reese and Wernick hope to introduce the character without explaining his backstory in-depth.  If you've ever read Cable's...

Deadpool 2 said to Lay the Groundwork for ‘X-Force’

"We’re very, very cognizant about making sure that Deadpool is above all a Deadpool movie." With X-Men: Apocalypse ending in a way that would allow for 20th...

Channing Tatum is Still Attached to Play Gambit

Gambit is still on the cards for Tatum.  The Gambit spin-off movie has been in the works for so long now, folks can be forgiven...

Live Action ‘Dumbo’ Film May Include Will Smith

Negotiations are under way and Disney already has his role for the movie in mind! Will Smith has been a busy man these last couple years...

Weekend Box Office Results 1/13-1/15

Rogue One has finally been unseated! This past weekend at the box office Hidden Figures was the top movie. It unseated Rogue One, which dropped...

Ben Affleck Reassures ‘The Batman’ still in the works, will take time to get right

The Batman v Superman star feels the pressure to produce a DC film that is actually worth watching. Unlike Warner Bros., who seems to think rapidly...