
The best news in one place


18 Year-Old Arrested in Connection to PSN and XBL Attacks

UK police reported today that the arrest of an 18 year old UK resident was made today in connection to the DDoS (Distributed Denial...

‘Devil May Cry’ Gets Bumped Up One Week

DMC fans rejoice! The upcoming launch of our favorite demon slaying, sword wielding, gun blasting protagonist will be coming a whole week earlier than...

Playstation 4 Now Comes with ‘The Last of Us: Remastered’

Hesitant on buying a Playstation 4? Well, hesitate no more, as the Playstation 4 500GB console will now come with a free copy of...

Goku v Naruto v Luffy as ‘J-Stars Victory VS’ Gets North American Release

J-Stars Victory VS is one of those great games that was exclusive to Japan with no signs of a release to North America, until now. Fans...

6 HD Remasters/Remakes We Would Like to See

Every new generation of gaming technology has clear and obvious benefits that afford themselves to their users. Updated graphics, updated engines that add to...

January’s PS Plus Lineup Includes ‘inFAMOUS: First Light’ and More

PlayStation Plus members will be able to start 2015 right with six new free titles that have just been added to PS Plus across PS4, PS3,...

Is ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ Finally Coming Out This Year?

Goofy seems to have a knack for screwing everything up. At least that's what the folks at Square Enix are saying now that they're on damage control. This...

Is Naughty Dog Working on ‘The Last of Us 2’?

Naughty Dog's smash-hit action survival title The Last of Us may be getting a sequel, according to the professional resume of former Naughty Dog...

Why Lizard Squad Brought Down PSN and XBL, and Why They Should Be Forgotten

As most of you know, Playstation Network and Xbox Live have been down for the past few days, just in time to ruin Christmas...

Play as John Malkovich in ‘Advanced Warfare’ Zombie Mode DLC

John Malkovich is one of the most prolific actors in Hollywood, and the veteran can now add Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to his...

‘Destiny of Spirits’ Gets a ‘Killzone’ Infusion for Christmas

Starting tomorrow, Christmas Day, North American and European Destiny of Spirits players will receive the full benefits of a collaboration with Killzone. Now, we won't go...

Sony Goes to Court Over ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’ Lawsuit

Sony shipped  Killzone: Shadow Fall on the same day that Playstation 4 was available in North America. This is the 4th installation in the Playstation Exclusive...

New ‘God of War’ Game in Development

Sony just can't seem to keep anything a secret anymore. In the midst of a massive company hack, another (less serious) bit of information tied...

‘Far Cry 4: Escape from Durgesh Prison’ DLC is Almost Here

The first DLC package for Far Cry 4 will be dropping on January 13th. It is going to include a ton of new content and...

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Coming to PS4

Square Enix is a hive of busy bees right now. After announcing at the Playstation Experience event that Final Fantasy VII is coming to...

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is Coming

Namco Bandai has just announced that developer CyberConnect2 is working on the next installment for the Naruto fighting game series. The title, as you...

‘Festive Surprise’ Update Brings Holiday Cheer to GTA V

Grand Theft Auto Online's newest update, appropriately titled "Festive Surprise" is now avaialable for download across all four consoles. The updates adds some holiday...

‘Just Cause 3’ Screenshots Show Action-Packed Mayhem

Avalanche Studios' upcoming release Just Cause 3 is going to be insane. The developers have released a new collection of images that show off action...

Rockstar Teases ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’

When Red Dead Revolver was released in 2004 it was well received, but quickly forgotten. Then, its spiritual successor Red Dead Redemption was released...

Watch the English ‘Final Fantasy XV’ Trailer

After releasing a Japanese reveal trailer for Final Fantasy XV in September at Tokyo Game Show, publisher Square Enix has now re-released the trailer...