
The best news in one place


‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ Trailer Becomes Most Disliked in YouTube History

Infinite Warfare joins the ranks of Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black to be one of the most disliked videos in YouTube's history.  To say that the reveal trailer...

‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ has been delayed until 2017

Bad news Mass Effect fans, you won't get to explore Andromeda this coming fall. When EA's CFO Blake Jorgensen mentioned in a conference call with the press...

Star Wars: Battlefront’ is getting a sequel In 2017

This sequel will reportedly have "bigger and better worlds" than the last game. Since the early 2000's, Star Wars: Battlefront has been one of the greatest shooter...

‘Disney Infinity’ Game Cancelled, Hundreds of Jobs Lost

After just three years, Disney Infinity is on its way out.  Disney recently announced that Disney Infinity - the fan-favourite action-adventure sandbox game, which included...

Overwatch Open Beta Ends Today, May 10

Blizzard's latest franchise beta is almost over! That's right all you Blizzard fanatics. It was announced in the forums that the open beta of the game...

‘Modern Warfare’ remaster will NOT be sold as a standalone title

Activision has really developed a rep for letting fans down In yet another example of their monumental greed, Activision will force fans to purchase Call...

Indie Game Review: Severed (PS Vita)

Sasha awakens in a desolate, yet familiar world. Her family has disappeared, and her right arm severed from her body. Equipped with a blade...

‘Dead Island Definitive Edition’ Gets A Bloody Trailer, Releases 5/31

Dead Island gets next-gen gore in this new Definitive Edition trailer It was announced last week that Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide would both be getting a...

‘Titanfall’ dev is making a 3rd Person action Star Wars game

EA's Star Wars projects get a new developer Patrick Söderlund, Executive Vice President of EA Studios recently announced on the studio's website that Respawn Entertainment was currently...

Here’s What’s Free In May With Playstation Plus, Xbox Games with Gold

If you have Playstation Plus or Xbox Live Games With Gold, check out these free titles coming in May! Everyone who is a Playstation Plus...

Official Release Date for ‘Dishonored 2’ has been Announced

"Blood in the gutters and corruption on the wind. It'll be fun watching this unfold."  Bethesda has just announced the highly anticipated Dishonored 2 is set to...

‘Mighty No. 9’ is locked down to release this June

After nearly 3 years of waiting, Mighty No. 9 is ready to hit consoles and PCs come June 24th. After several setback and delays Keiji Inafune, the...

‘Kingdom Hearts’ is getting a concert world tour

The Music of Kingdom Hearts is set to hit venues worldwide! Kingdom Hearts has seen massive success since its debut on the PlayStation 2 back in...

First Trailer for ‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ is Here, ‘Modern Warfare’ Remaster Confirmed

SPAAACE  After being leaked last week, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has now been officially announced with a reveal trailer.  Check it out below. Developed by Infinity...

Shipment of ‘Uncharted 4’ Games Stolen, Copies Circulating UK

Will it be a Thief's End for anyone with a copy of Uncharted 4 before the release date?  Sony recently revealed a shipment of Naughty...

Battlefield 5′ Likely to Be Announced Next Week

This next installment will take us back into World War I! One week from today, DICE will introduce the next installment in the Battlefield series...

Fallout 4 – Mods and the Creation Kit coming soon to PS4, XBO, and PC

"The life of Fallout 4 in your hands is going to take us places none of us anticipated." As if Fallout 4 didn't have enough mods...

The Dark Brotherhood Coming To Elder Scrolls Online In Next DLC

Take a trip to the Gold Coast to become the deadliest assassin in Tamriel! Bethesda officially announced today that the latest expansion for their ever-growing...

Mafia 3′ Gameplay Reveal has us Excited to Return to the 1960’s

With recent games that are coming out set in the present and/or future, a turn to the past doesn't sound too bad! It's been a...

PS Online Store Accidentally Leaked the Name of New ‘Call of Duty’ Title

Oops... It looks like Sony has accidentally revealed the name of this year's entry in the Call of Duty series.  During the PlayStation Network's weekly update,...