
The best news in one place


Sony’s New ‘The King’ PS4 Ad is Full of Hidden Cameo Appearances

GET ME PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN! AND KRATOS! The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and that means it's time for new game console commercials/ads.  The commercials for...

Check out the new Horizon Zero Dawn – Creating a New World Trailer

The latest trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn reveals a world that is breathtakingly beautiful and harsh. The wait for Guerilla's "role playing game that plays like...

Uncharted film will begin shooting soon, director talks casting details

No more deception of Drakes. The film adaptation for Naughty Dog's Uncharted has been in development for about eight years and it seems they're finally...

Get your First Look at the Official Cinematic Reveal Trailer for ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’

Happy N7 day! November 7th is always a good day if you're a Mass Effect fan. Each year fans celebrate N7 Day by eargerly awaiting...

Star Wars Battlefront Sequel is Coming in 2017, Confirms EA

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is expected to be released in time for Star Wars Episode VIII. Last year's Star Wars Battlefront was surely beautiful and you could...

Turtle Rock Studios Ends Support for ‘Evolve’, says Farewell

Developer 2K says servers will stay online for the "foreseeable future".  Not long after becoming 'Free To Play' on PC, Turtle Rock Studio's have announced...

Sora is Coming to the ‘World of Final Fantasy’ this Winter

One more reason to stay inside from the snow? Yes, it is! If World of Final Fantasy's release wasn't exciting enough, Square Enix announced that Sora will be...

The Last Guardian soundtrack is getting the Vinyl treatment

It's a pretty sweet collector's item! The soundtrack for the The Last Guardian is going to be released on vinyl and it looks amazing. The soundtrack...

Here is how you can become a Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2

It's time to go beyond a Super Saiyan 2! The sequel to the popular Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 title has been out for two weeks...

Dishonored 2’s Live Action Trailer – Take Back What’s Yours

As far as live action trailers go Dishonored 2's latest trailer is nothing but badass and beautifully well done. The latest trailer for the highly anticipated stealth,...

We Review Thumper (PS4 and PC)

To the beat of the rhythm of the fright. Dread. Fear. Fright. I would have never of thought I'd be using these words to describe...

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 HD Collection Coming to PS4 This Spring

MY FRIENDS ARE MY POWER! IT'S HAPPENING. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix are heading to the PS4. Both titles are...

Check Out the Watch Dogs 2 – Zodiac Killer Mission – Pre-Order Trailer

Ubisoft looks to build off of the success of Watch Dogs with the Zodiac Killer! Watch Dogs 2 is set to release next month, but before...

The First ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ Trailer is Here!

"When the time comes, you've gotta run and don't look back."  After teasing us with crimson red pictures, only to then officially reveal Red Redemption...

‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ Confirmed for Fall 2017 Release, Trailer to hit This Thursday

Ready your holsters and hold onto your hats, because Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming!  Howdy there partner! Unless you've been under a rock in the...

Rockstar Games is teasing a Red Dead Redemption Game of some Sort

Rockstar has all but confirmed a new Red Dead Redemption game thanks to their cryptic images. Last night Rockstar Games, the company behind the iconic Grand...

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare/Modern Warfare will take up 130GB on Your Console

If you haven't upgraded your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One hard drives now might be the time do so. Just last week details for the back...

Mass Effect: Andromeda Release Date May Have Been Revealed

Oops? This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Amazon has been the source for some accidental leaks before but it seems to...

New Power Rangers Game Coming to PS4, XBO, and PC This January

The game was presented at New York Comic-Con, despite no official announcement from publisher Bandai Namco! A new Power Rangers game is coming out mid-January...

Gravity Rush 2 Delayed, Players Getting Free DLC to Make Up For It

The 4-year project will wait a little longer before it's released, but being compensated for the wait isn't too bad! Sony has been working on Gravity...