
The best news in one place


Adventure Time is getting an Open World Pirate Game for PS4, XBO, PC, and Switch

An open world game taking place in the land of Ooo is finally happening! Pirates of the Enchiridion features all of your favorite Adventure Time...

Goku Black, Hit, and Beerus Confirmed for Dragon Ball FighterZ

V-Jump Magazine once again reveals more characters coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ, among them are perhaps the three most highly demanded so far.  The screen...

Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris DLC is a Short, Boring, and Uninspired Cash Grab (PS4 Review)

The "Curse of Eververse" returns in full force. Is it worth your money? Definitely not. 

Hidden Potential is Unleashed in Adult Gohan’s Character Trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ

"Fight you? No, I want to kill you." With his father's gi and bigger pupils, Gohan returns from the Sacred World of the Kais to...

PS4 + Nintendo Switch are Getting a My Hero Academia Game

Screenshots of the game were released today by publisher Bandai Namco! Earlier today, Bandai Namco released screenshots of an upcoming game titled My Hero Academia: One's...

Jak 2, Jak 3, and Jak X Combat Racing Release on PS4 this Week

Naughty's Dog's dynamic duo hit PSN this Wednesday. After being announced this past April, the Jak and Daxter sequels are finally coming to the PlayStation...

Classic PS2 Dashboard Theme Coming to PS4 on Dec 6

The classic style dashboard for the PS2 will make its way to PS4 next week for under $3.00. A developer has shared what many have...

Kid Buu is Deadly and Agile in Dragon Ball FighterZ Character Trailer

The little Buu that could joins the fray.  The final and most dangerous form of Majin Buu is headed to Dragon Ball FighterZ. Check out...

Capcom releases Venom, Winter Soldier, Black Widow MvC Infinite Trailer

It's about to go down. Despite the news that Winter Soldier, Black Widow, and Venom would be coming to Marvel vs Capcom Infinite we really didn't...

SS3 Gotenks Gets Featured in Latest Dragon Ball FighterZ Character Trailer

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks joins the cast of impressive playable characters in the highly anticipated fighting game. Below is a translation of details regarding Gotenks...

Battlefront II has a Cooldown on Earning Credits, EA Allegedly Removes Pre-Order Cancel Link from Website

The controversial choices by EA are worse than once thought, limiting the amount of credit a player can earn each day.   The worst part of...

TMNT Arrive in Next Injustice 2 DLC Pack

Cowabunga?!?! The mean green fighting machines are the latest to crossover into the hit DC fighting game.  And just like that Injustice 2 has become...

EA’s Community Manager Slams Community over Battlefront II Pay-To-Win Microtransaction Debacle, Removes EA Affiliation from Twitter Bio

Mat Everett from EA calls community "arm chair developers" after the massive outcry from gamers over the heavy microtransaction focus in the upcoming Star...

Jade Rabbit, Telesto, Graviton Forfeit +More D1 Exotics Return in New D2 Osiris DLC

Destiny 2's first DLC expansion introduces legendary Guardian Osiris, classic D1 Exotics, and much, much more.  YouTube personality 'My Name is Byf' shared some additional...

Aunt May, Miles Morales, MJ, and More join Peter Parker in Spider-Man (PS4) Trailer

Peter Parker has a positive outlook on the city, but what happens when he must take on Mr Negative? (not sorry) . Peter Parker and Spider-Man...

Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) is NOT a Remaster or Port, but a Whole New Game

Shadow of the Colossus comes to PS4 consoles this coming February, and it is built from the ground-up.  Imagine you are an artist. You have...

PlayStation’s Paris Games Week Conference Recap: Spider-Man, God of War, and More

Sacrebleu! Tellement de nouveaux jeux. Happy Halloween everyone! Amidst the trick-or-treating, watching of Stranger Things 2, or playing of Super Mario Odyssey, Sony unloaded a...

The Last of Us Part II Gets a Violent and Grisly New Trailer

"Make me proud, Ellie!" After almost a year of no updates, a new trailer for The Last of Us Part II debuted at PlayStation's Paris...

We Review Semispheres for the PlayStation Vita

A perplexing and perfectly portable puzzler. 

Nappa and Captain Ginyu Join Dragon Ball FighterZ, Release Date Confirmed

I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say.  The Dragon Ball FighterZ roster keeps growing as Bandai Namco has revealed that Nappa and...