The best news in one place


New Trailer for Final ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ DLC Expansion

Advanced Warfare's final DLC pack to conclude the star-studded Exo Zombies mode. The debut trailer of the fourth and final Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare...

New Website Shows how Long it will Take to Complete all of Your Steam Games

See if you'll be playing those games you bought during the Summer Sale for the rest of your life.  Steam is synonymous with a couple...

Here’s An Hour Of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gameplay At Your Disposal!

Spend part of your day going back in time to London in 1868! Last week, Ubisoft released a 'deep dive' livestream on Assassin's Creed Syndicate and if...

Stephen Colbert Creates His Own Adventure Game!

Colbert's game will be based off his new job on The Late Show! Steven Colbert starts his new job on The Late Show in two months and he...

Take A Look At Sonic In Unreal Engine 4!

Sonic the Hedgehog makes his debut in Unreal Engine! Unreal Engine has been the reason for some incredible games over the years and the...

Tremor Returns As A DLC Fighter for ‘Mortal Kombat X’

Tremor used Magnitude! Magnitude 8! Continuing with today’s theme of reporting on new fighting game characters, Warner Bros. has recently revealed that Tremor is the...

Brand New ‘Street Fighter V’ Character Revealed at EVO 2015

Necalli joins the fight! Last weekend, Las Vegas hosted EVO 2015, the world’s biggest fighting game tournament. Multiple brawlers were played by some of the...

Gameplay Footage for ‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ and ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ to be Presented at D23 Expo

Aside from Kingdom Hearts 3 and Star Wars Battlefront, Disney's Frozen Free Fall and LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum will be presented as well. Gameplay footage for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Star...

Indie Game Review: Guild of Dungeoneering

  If you enjoy the encounter aspect of Dungeons & Dragons, then you'll love Guild of Dungeoneering -- the turn-based, dungeon crawler card game that...

Star Craft 2: Legacy of the Void is Now Available for Pre-Order

A prequel to the events of Legacy of the Void, called Whispers of the Void, is available if you pre-order Star Craft 2: Legacy of the...

Read About the Interesting New Economy Elements of No Man’s Sky

New features regarding the No Man's Sky economy are revealed in a recent interview with creative director Sean Murray. No Man’s Sky is a new...

Recent Grand Theft Auto Content Has Newer Weapons, Cars, and More

The second Ill Gotten Gains update will be sporting new weapons, cars, attire, and more gor GTA users. The massive open-world of Grand Theft Auto...

Fallout 4 Special Edition Pip-Boy Will Not Fit Large Phones

The replica Pip-Boy from Fallout will not be large enough to fit phones that are 5.5" diagonally. The replica Pip-Boy that comes with the Fallout 4 Special...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies Mode Revealed at Comic Con!

Treyarch released the long awaited trailer for the upcoming Call of Duty Zombies mode as well as some key information and special edition products...

The Spirit of The Silent Hills Lives On in New Horror Game, Allison Road!

New game looks to be the successor of failed 'Silent Hills' game. I n April, Playstation Network took down the demo to P.T., the game that...

Star Wars Battlefront Alpha Users Violate User Agreement and Upload Gameplay Content

EA has been forced to search the internet for all Star Wars Battlefront content that has been uploaded by Alpha Users. Star Wars Battlefront Alpha...

Check Out Every Video Game Confirmed for 2016

2015 is halfway over with, and while there are plenty of hotly anticipated games coming soon like Star Wars Battlefront and Halo 5: Guardians,...

Destiny’s The Taken King Expansion DLC Specifics Revealed!

Bungie says it's "more than a DLC, it's a game" The latest specifics for Destiny's new DLC expansion "The Taken King" have been revealed by...

Here are Some of the Biggest Reinventions in Pop Culture

From Apple Inc. to Arnold Schwarzenegger, we take a look at what and who has gone through the biggest changes while under the media spotlight. Reinventions...

Fan Creates Super Mario on Unreal Engine 4

Mario looks beautiful in the Epic Games engine. While Nintendo has remained quiet over the possibility of a new 3D Mario game on the Wii...