Every new generation of gaming technology has clear and obvious benefits that afford themselves to their users. Updated graphics, updated engines that add to...
Nintendo exec Shigeru Miyamoto recently talked to Alternative Press about Nintendo's active plans to put out new hardware systems beyond the Wii U. It...
Super Smash Bros for the Wii U sold nearly 500,000 copies in the United States in its first three days, Nintendo announced today. Those sales figures...
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is being remade for the Nintendo 3DS and is set to release spring 2015, Nintendo announced yesterday.
Majora's Mask...
Nintendo has made a lot of announcements over the past couple of weeks regarding new Pokémon getting the Mega Evolution treatment and, in case you missed it,...
The popular virtual world for kids known as Poptropica has now made its way to Nintendo 3DS featuring an all-new adventure called Poptropica: Forgotten...