
The best news in one place


Nostalgia Review: ‘Super Smash Bros. Melee’ (GameCube)

We take a look at what makes Super Smash Bros. Melee so special and how the game rose to esports fame over the years. The Super...

Classic Pokémon will Receive Awesome new Forms in Sun and Moon

Exeggutor? Everything going ok buddy?  A new trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon has dropped, and with it, a bunch of new Pocket Monsters and...

Nostalgia Review: ‘Kirby’s Dream Land’ (Game Boy)

The Kirby game that started it all.  There's a lot to be said about a game that gives birth to a much-loved franchise, and Kirby's...

Nostalgia Review: Pokemon Snap (N64)

The 90s were a great era for Pokemon fans, but simply training and catching 'em all was not your only objective! Becoming a Pokemon Master takes...

Sonic is Getting Two New Titles in 2017

Among all the exciting announcements this weekend, Sega chimed in by announcing these two new games for their blue hedgehog! Sonic fans will be excited to...

Live Action ‘Detective Pikachu’ Film is in the Works

Pikachu is hitting the big screen but as a detective. Back in my day, Pokemon was just a cartoon I got to watch on Saturday...

More New Pokemon Revealed in Latest Sun & Moon Trailer

In addition to new Pokemon, your Pokemon can get stronger even if they're level 100. Pokemon GO may be all the hype right now but that...

Max Landis in Consideration for Potential Live Action Pokemon Movie

"Max Landis, I choose you!" - Legendary Pictures  With the overall successful launch of the augmented reality app Pokemon GO, Nintendo's precious child has once again risen...

The NES is Being Re-released by Nintendo, in a New Mini Version

#TBT today for Nintendo with a re-release of a mini NES. With the recent release of Pokemon Go, Nintendo has started to see some much awaited...

Pokemon Go More Popular Than Instagram, Snapchat, and Tinder

The throwback video game is currently more popular than #throwbackthursday. Current research claims that users spend more time on Pokemon Go than many other popular apps....

Super Smash Bros. Influenced Game Coming to PC, Xbox, and PS4

Xbox, PS4 and PC to receive a new Super Smash Bros. type video game titled "Brawlout". Super Smash Bros. has been a classic for Nintendo...

New ‘Sun and Moon’ Pokemon ‘Salandit’ is The First Fire/Poison Type

Honestly surprised Nintendo didn't come up with this already! More info on Salandit here! Pokemon Sun and Moon have releeased a brand new Pokemon with a type-combo...

Mighty No.9 – Here’s What Some of the Top Critics are Saying

NEIN! Mighty No. 9, the kickstarted spiritual successor to Mega Man, is FINALLY available. This fast-paced precision platformer starring the titular android, Beck, has received...

Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Here Are Some Incredible 4K Rendered Screenshots

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the most beautiful Zelda game yet. Sony may have won E3 overall but Nintendo's announcement and the sneak peek of Zelda: Breath...

Check out Five New Pokémon from Sun and Moon

Meet your future HM slaves!  During the Nintendo Treehouse live E3 stream, we got another glimpse at the upcoming Pokémon games Sun and Moon, as...

Nintendo Unveils New Trailer for ‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’

See Link traverse the lush, expansive vistas of Hyrule in Nintendo's latest Zelda title!  We knew that Nintendo were going to show us more of...

‘Super Mario Bros.’ Director Originally Wanted Danny DeVito as Mario

Detective Pikachu isn't the only Nintendo character people have hoped DeVito would be.  The 1993 film Super Mario Bros. - starring the late Bob Hoskins and John...

Japan Names Their Top 100 Pokemon

The order of the top 5 may surprise you! Check it out here! Since we have known about Pokemon, Pikachu has been the face of...

Banjo-Kazooie Spiritual Successor ‘Yooka-Laylee’ Gets an E3 Trailer

This is probably as close as we'll get to Banjo-Threeie.  Last year, a team of former Rare developers who worked on games like the Donkey...

Attention Pokémon Trainers! Here’s Another Chance to Download Mew!

Legendary Pokemon don't make second appearances, so don't miss this one! According to the Pokémon Trainer Club's website, the next newsletter that comes out on...