‘Flappy Bird’ Outpaces ‘Destiny’ in 2014 Google Searches



2759514-flappy1-3[dropcap size=small]G[/dropcap]oogle recently released their ‘Year in Search’ for 2014 and it’s an interesting group of lists to check out. One list that caught our attention was the ‘Top 10 Video Game Searches’ list. In that list we see Flappy Bird claiming the top spot over arguably one of the largest releases of the year: Bungie’s FPS Destiny.

Flappy Bird in itself is a fascinating story in the realm of indie game development. A game created by Dong Nguyen that earned him tens of thousands of dollars in the short span it was up on the App Store, and was subsequently taken down, adding to its cult classic credibility. The mere fact that a game created by a single man could cause more search buzz than a game with a multi-million dollar budget and marketing campaign gives us a peek into the future of mobile and indie games.

Check out the full list of Google’s top search categories here.

PS – Does this webpage not look like it was designed by Apple’s web design team? Anywho, happy reading!

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