E3 2021 Recap: The Disappointment that was the Gearbox Showcase

With an ocean of opportunity, Gearbox chose to deliver the driest showcase we have seen in many years.



Gearbox has had a rough time as of late with issues going on with management and voice actors, to a lackluster launch of Godfall, to what is a severely critically panned E3 showcase. Their reveals, while nothing too impressive, had a couple of moments of interest but were mostly overshadowed by filler, lousy marketing, and angry fans on social media.

At the time of this writing, their showcase video on YouTube, which you can see for yourself below, has under 700 Likes and over 1K dislikes. The comments are none to kind either. See for yourself why.

Yeah, see what we mean? Or, if you couldn’t bear sitting through the 30-minute-long video, and we won’t blame you if that is the case, let’s touch base on what was actually shown.

First, let’s talk about the only thing that is even remotely interesting:

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Andy Samberg. Wanda Sykes. Will Arnett. Butt Stallion. Need we say more?

Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina. Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!

It should be noted that this was revealed ahead of the Showcase so most fans probably already knew about this one. That said, aside from this reveal from Gearbox, the rest of the Showcase was a total snooze-fest and felt almost downright insulting.

Gearbox didn’t reveal anything new on Borderlands 4, which we all know is in development, nothing new on Wonderlands since its original reveal at the Game Awards, and nothing interesting on the upcoming Borderlands movie (which is going to be totally awful, calling it right now) aside from a little of the set, and to top it off, we got an announcement for Godfall.

No, not Godfall II. No, not Godfall getting completely redone to be a tolerable looter/shooter. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Brace yourselves, folks. Because Godfall is coming to PS4. Yes, the game that was originally only available on PS5 and PC due to being too much of a behemoth of a game to run on anything else is getting a downgrade for a last-generation system. You can’t help but wonder if this is an attempt at a cash grab after Godfall received poor to mixed reviews from critics on other systems.

The only cool thing about Godfall is this image right here. No joke.

Apparently, the Godfall PS4 version is supposed to come out at the time of some DLC launch later this year but we really couldn’t care less. The game is among the worst looter/shooter games we have seen and no DLC is going to change that enough to make us come back to it.

Perhaps you felt a little bored during the Ubisoft event, and we get that. But if you felt let down by Ubisoft, you are likely pretty furious at Gearbox. Probably should have saved the thirty minutes and just used 3-4 minutes to show gameplay for Wonderlands, which they didn’t do, or better yet just not show up at all and save us the time.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at marc@geekoutpost.com. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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