Destiny gets an impressive Ship Interior desgin concept by Reddit Artist



Take note, Bungie. Destiny fans would love to see the inside of their ships!

[dropcap size=small]E[/dropcap]nvironmental Art student and Reddit user, Danny Greenan has designed an interior environment for Destiny’s space crafts. Greenan has created what appears to be a captain’s study as well as a control room. Using  Photoshop and the Unreal Engine, he managed to create some beautiful artwork that looks as though it came right from the game. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself!

“I thought it would be cool if you could access the vault from your ship and each one could have a different interior design.”


Greenan posted the photos on his ArtStation page. The post received over  12,000 views and even gained the attention of Bungie’s senior character artist Mike Jensen. Jensen later commented on the post leaving a positive response. 


Not a bad idea, Danny. Maybe catching the eye of Mike Jensen will lead to some implementation of this? With an ever-expanding game like Destiny, this doesn’t seem entirely impossible.


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